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HomePoliticsPlateau election: Vote APC for more development – Gagdi

Plateau election: Vote APC for more development – Gagdi

A member of the House of Representatives for Plateau State’s Pankshin, Kanke, Kanam federal constituency, Hon Yusuf Gagdi, has advised his constituents and all residents of Plateau to vote for candidates of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the next elections to attract more development to the state.

Gagdi, Chairman of the House Committee on Navy, gave the advice yesterday while inaugurating his Campaign Council for his re-election to the House of Representatives, held in Dengi, Kanam Local Government Area of Plateau State.

He explained that the APC-led administration had done well in delivering the dividends of democracy to Nigerians and deserved another chance to do more for the people.

The legislator who promised to take all legitimate steps to ensure his party retains power at all levels, called on the people of his constituency to support his reelection bid and all other candidates of his party.

”We are determined to deliver APC from top to bottom in Plateau and this is because the party has not failed us. We have witnessed different developmental strides under President Muhammadu Buhari and our dear governor, Simon Lalong.

”Today, we have legacy projects spread across Plateau, countless rural roads have been constructed, more federal presence is being felt in the state through various interventions, employment opportunities have been created, and what have you.

“For us to have more of these developments, I call on all my people and indeed residents of Plateau to vote Bola Tinubu as President, Nentawe Yilwatda as governor and the candidates of APC come February and March.

On his reelection bid, Gagdi said that his achievements in the last three years were visible enough to speak for him, but promised to do more if voted again.

”We have done a lot for the people of this constituency in the last three years but it is not enough.

”Our achievements in the area of education, construction of rural roads, hospitals, provision of potable water, rural electrification, agriculture, human capital development among others speak volumes.

”In 2019, I had a covenant with my people, to deliver good governance to them and have not failed even though I am human, but I’m determined to do more.

”So, I am calling on my people to give me their mandate again so that we will be able to touch those areas we are yet to address in ensuring that they have better and quality representation,” he said.

Mr. Philip Dasun, the Director General of the campaign council, thanked the lawmaker for finding them worthy to serve in that capacity.

He promised that the council will work assiduously to actualize its mandate of ensuring that Gagdi returns to the National Assembly and continue to provide quality representation for the people.



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