Kabong Central, a bustling enclave within Gada Biyu Community, awoke to a devastating disaster in the early hours of October 14, 2023. An electrical fire, which erupted around 2 AM, resulted in a grim toll, claiming the lives of more than seven individuals and leaving several others injured.
The catastrophe originated from an unforeseen explosion in a nearby transformer, triggering a ferocious fire that quickly engulfed the vicinity. Simultaneously, the blast sent shockwaves throughout the area, causing widespread panic and fear among the residents.
As this report is being filed, the death toll has reached seven, and numerous homes and shops lie in ruin, with property losses estimated to be in the millions of naira. The situation has plunged the community into a state of mourning and disarray. Tragically, two of the deceased individuals were from the same family, compounding the grief for their loved ones.
A considerable number of survivors were rushed to local hospitals in critical condition, battling burns and the aftermath of electrical shocks. The entire community now grapples with the aftermath of this devastating electrical fire, as authorities work to investigate the incident and provide support to those affected.