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HomeNewsGovernor Mutfwang Assures Plateau Civil Servants: "No Witch-Hunt or Victimization"

Governor Mutfwang Assures Plateau Civil Servants: “No Witch-Hunt or Victimization”

In a bid to address concerns and ensure transparency, the Executive Governor of Plateau State, Barr. Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang, has pledged that nobody will be victimized following the constitution of a committee to review recent appointments in the State Civil Service.

During the swearing-in ceremony held at the New Government House in Little Rayfield, Jos, Governor Mutfwang emphasized that the purpose of the committee was not to witch-hunt individuals but to investigate complaints received from citizens regarding the appointment process.

“We will continue to ensure a seamless, fair, and just process. We have no intention of isolating or victimizing anyone,” assured Governor Mutfwang.

The Governor further reassured those who may have experienced victimization in the civil service that the government intends to address their concerns without intimidation. He urged the people to offer prayers and support as the government unfolds policies for the benefit of all citizens.

Governor Mutfwang called on the appointees to view their roles as responsibilities and a trust bestowed upon them by the people of Plateau State. He emphasized that all appointments would be made based on merit, ensuring equitable representation from every part of the state.

In response, Hon. Latep Dabang, the Special Adviser on Political Affairs, expressed gratitude on behalf of the appointees for being chosen to serve in their respective capacities. He assured Governor Mutfwang that they would leverage their wealth of experience to add value to the administration and work towards fulfilling the development aspirations of the people of Plateau State.

As the government strives to maintain transparency and address concerns, the committee’s review of the appointment exercise aims to ensure a fair and just process that benefits all citizens



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