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HomeNewsFormer Plateau Governor Triples State Debt From N107 Billion to N307 Billion...

Former Plateau Governor Triples State Debt From N107 Billion to N307 Billion – Ex-Speaker Exposes


The former Speaker of the Plateau State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Nuhu Ayuba Abok has made a startling revelation about the state’s debt burden under the leadership of former Governor Simon Lalong. According to Abok, Lalong, who served two terms in office, managed to increase the debt from N107 billion to a staggering N307 billion

He called on citizens of the State to pray fervently that Governor Caleb Mutfwang will succeed in the midst of the daunting challenges he inherited from the past administration.

Abok stated at a Thanksgiving service held on Sunday at COCIN Church Jos Jarawa where he expressed gratitude to God for finding him worthy to serve Plateau State in the capacity of a Speaker adding that without God, he would have been consumed by challenges.

He noted that as Speaker, he took certain decisions in the interest of Plateau and pleaded for forgiveness wherever he stepped on the toes of others, saying it was not deliberate.

Abok revealed thus, “the former Governor of Platea State, Senator Jonah David Jang, met the state’s debt burden at about N80 billion and took it to N107 billion.

“While former Governor Simon Lalong who met it at N107 billion, lifted it up to N307 billion, I want to called on Plateau people to pray fervently for Governor Mutfwang to succeed in the midst of the daunting challenges.”

Governor Caleb Mutfwang who was in attendance admonished Plateau people to stand together, irrespective of tribe and faith in defending the State’s heritage against the enemies confronting communities in Mangu, Barkin-Ladi, Riyom and other Local Governments Areas of the State.

Mutfwang said, “It is time for Plateau people to unite on a common front in preserving the state. We must forget the mistakes of the past where various ethnic groups were left alone to confront calamities that befalls their communities,” he said.

Governor Mutfwang described the former Speaker and Special Adviser on Legislative Affairs, Rt. Hon. Ayuba Abok, as a dogged, courageous and resilient young man who fought for the peace and unity of Plateau.

“I trust that it is well with us, God knows all about our struggles and we have confidence that through Jesus we shall be victorious. I thank God for this opportunity to celebrate God together with the former Speaker of the House of Assembly Hon. Nuhu Ayuba Abok, a young man who has also struggled through life to get to where he is and God has seen him through.

“I thank you all for your prayers, thank you for your encouragement and thank you for standing with us in this difficult moment in our life on the Plateau but I am confident that God will not allowed Plateau to be destroyed. I am confident that God will grant us victory over those that troubled us and Plateau will prosper again.

“Let me encourage us, it is not time to be careless, it is time for us to unite as a people, it is time for us to stand shoulder to shoulder with one another, this land that God has given us, He gave us for a purpose. We will prosper in the land that He has given us, we should continue to pray for the Bible says watch and pray.” The Governor stated.

The Paramount ruler of Afizere nation, the Agwom Izere, HRH Da Isaac Wakili, appreciated Governor Mutfwang for coming and congratulated him for emerging victorious at the poll.

He encouraged him and Plateau people to remain firm, courageous and resolute in the midst of the current security challenges.

Earlier on, the Former COCIN Vice President, retired Rev. Obed Dashan, who took the sermon from the Book of Psalm 103: 1-6 and I Thessalonian 5:16 with a theme: “Giving thanks in all circumstances” encouraged believers to hold firm unto God and give thanks to God in all situations.



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