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Sen Jang’s statement is geared towards distorting the unity of our people – Rev. Fr. Mancha

The recent statement credited to the Former Governor of Plateau State, Sen. David Jonah Jang, has continued to generate reactions from across Plateau state with the latest coming from Rev. Fr. Clement Mancha, saying that Jang is geared towards distorting the unity of people in Plateau State.

Rev. Fr. Clement Mancha, in a statement made available to the media said that he condemned in totality the audio clip in Berom dialect going viral, and claiming to have a mandate from our dear Father Sen. David Jonah Jang.

He said the statement may distort the unity of our people as it was more appropriate at this juncture, to invite the aspiring candidates for fatherly Blessings and encouraging words such as ‘Not to fail the confidence of the people of Plateau State entrusted to them’.

Fr Mancha stated that Jang’s audio clip seems to have a tone of personal interest and ego, which he said is not right.

“May I also say this quickly, that the candidature of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), is right and competent in every respect but not sensitive to the pluralistic society we have found ourselves”.

“This is evident in the Cocin Cocin ticket, as we have competent personalities from other churches within the Christian faith. It would have been more appropriate that for instance, we have a Cocin Ecwa, Cocin Assemblies or Cocin Catholic and others. This will bring the involvement and common good of Plateau State as a whole”. Rev Fr Mancha further stated in his statement.




I deem it fit to share with my Berom brothers and sisters on political matters, and with every sense of respect for your individual choices. With a sense of responsibility, I write to caution us, and to call us, for unity in political diversity.

I acknowledge very sincerely our elders in the Berom Land, your patriotic efforts have kept the land and its heritage. With every sense of responsibility and duty, your financial and physical contributions we deeply appreciate towards the growth and progress of the Berom land.

I write to correct an impression and a notion going viral in the Berom land in an audio clip in Berom dialect, said to be coming from our very respected father and elder Sen. Jonah David Jang.

The Berom Land in this electoral dispensation is favored as we have our children in the three (3), main contending political Parties aspiring to be deputy governors.

This we ought to be thankful and grateful for, that of all tribes in Plateau state, our children are found worthy to make their contributions in such capacity.

In the historical development of the Berom Land, there has never been a tense political atmosphere as observed this year. It is a Blessing from God, and we are grateful to Him the source of all goodness. However, we should respond to this situation with caution and Love, so as to not bring division among our people.

In the audio clip, it discourages all Berom sons and daughters from voting, into power the All Progressive Congress (APC), gubernatorial candidate, claiming that they have put us in a state of pain and hardship. Equally, it discourages also the voting into power of the gubernatorial candidate of the Labour party claiming that his candidacy is calved out of the All Progressive Congress party. Persuading our people to vote and support alone the gubernatorial candidature of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).

Our greatest cultural and philosophical stand is in the simple Berom adage (wurom ase wurom). It is simply interpreted as the oneness of the Berom man or woman, I find it right to write this in English to simply announce to the world, that despite our political differences we are still one, and wish all our sons and daughters aspiring into political offices well.

To the audio clip in Berom dialect going viral, and claiming to have a mandate from our dear Father Sen. David Jonah Jang, I condemn it in totality as it may distort the unity of our people. It would be more appropriate at this juncture, to invite the aspiring candidates for fatherly Blessings and encouraging words such as ‘Not to fail the confidence of the people of Plateau State entrusted to them’.

Secondly, the audio clip, seems to have a tone of personal interest and ego, this also is not right. May I also say this quickly, that the candidature of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), is right and competent in every respect but not sensitive to the pluralistic society we have found ourselves.

This is evident in the Cocin Cocin ticket, as we have competent personalities from other churches within the Christian faith. It would have been more appropriate that for instance we have a Cocin Ecwa, Cocin Assemblies or Cocin Catholic and others. This will bring the involvement and common good of Plateau State as a whole.

To my Berom brothers and sisters,

a. it is time to be focused and to support one another. There is life after elections, let us, therefore, keep in mind, that we all need each other. Thus, let us stop using harsh and condemning words on candidates simply to win votes for our selfish interests.

b. It is time to give an assessment of personalities and not political parties, for instance, the clamor for Peter Obi was based on his personality, not his political party. Let us therefore look at our candidates from a personal assessment, not a political party. “God can make the best of Governance out of a said to be a worst political party”.

c. Unity is power, let us be guided keeping in mind our intergrity, friends and families, our faith that professes Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. To promote common good and to be sure our sons and daughters are well informed, exposed to the world, best of entrepreneurs, creative, actualization of potentials and are successful.

Finally, we pray that all our Political Sons and Daughters may be favored by God and impactful to the people they are called to serve.

Let us go out to vote and show our support!

Best wishes as we go out to vote, may God lead us to a perfect and successful end.


Long live the Berom Land!

Long live Plateau State!

Your son and brother

Rev. Fr. Clement mancha.



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