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HomeNewsSee List as Plateau Governor Mutfwang Announces Key Appointments/Committee Formation

See List as Plateau Governor Mutfwang Announces Key Appointments/Committee Formation

Plateau State, July 10, 2023 – The Executive Governor of Plateau State, Barr. Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang, has made several significant appointments and announced the constitution of a committee to audit legacy projects across the state. These appointments are part of Governor Mutfwang’s efforts to enhance the functioning of various government agencies and promote effective governance.

Hon. Samuel Godongs has been appointed as the Director General of the Directorate of Research, Documentation, and Planning. With his expertise and experience, Hon. Godongs is expected to contribute to the development and implementation of research initiatives that will support evidence-based policymaking in Plateau State.

Mr. Wayas Jim Pam has been designated as the Acting Chairman of the Plateau State Internal Revenue Service. In this role, Mr. Pam will oversee the collection and management of internal revenue, ensuring the efficient and transparent operation of the service.

Hon. Sunday Abdu has been appointed as the Executive Secretary of the Plateau State Emergency Management Agency. He will be responsible for leading the agency’s efforts in disaster response, mitigation, and preparedness, ensuring the safety and well-being of the state’s residents during emergencies.

Taking charge as the Acting General Manager of the Plateau Radio Television Corporation, Jos, is Kachollom Rita Pam. Her appointment aims to strengthen the corporation’s broadcasting services, providing quality programming and informative content to the people of Plateau State.

Professor Ezra Gunen has been named the Director of Sports. With his expertise and passion for sports, Professor Gunen is expected to promote and develop sporting activities in the state, fostering talent and encouraging healthy competition.

Mr. Chuwang Pwajok has been appointed as the General Manager of the Plateau State Tourism Corporation. In this role, Mr. Pwajok will focus on promoting tourism initiatives, highlighting the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Plateau State, and attracting visitors from far and wide.

Furthermore, Governor Mutfwang has constituted the Local Government Service Commission with Chief Simon Tangni as the Chairman. The commission will play a crucial role in overseeing the functioning of local government administration and ensuring effective service delivery at the grassroots level. Hon. David Racha and Rt. Hon. Joyce Ramnap have been appointed as Commissioner 1 and Commissioner 2, respectively, bringing their expertise to the commission’s work.

The Mighty Jets Football Club Management Committee has also been formed, with Ferdinand Mbum as the General Manager and Salisu Nakande as the Assistant General Manager. This committee will be responsible for managing the affairs of the football club, nurturing talent, and promoting the development of football in Plateau State.

In addition to these appointments, Governor Mutfwang has approved the constitution of a committee tasked with auditing legacy projects across the state. The committee will be chaired by Arc. J.D Mangai and comprises BLD. Everest Miri, Barr. Illiya Shanding, Engr. Sam Obiorah, Mr. Joseph Laguma, Engr. Domna Fantur, QS Evelyn Madugu, Barr. Dangkat Dalong, and QS Ezekiel Rugu as the Secretary. The committee’s mandate is to review and evaluate the status of legacy projects, ensuring accountability and transparency in their execution.

These appointments and the formation of the committee reflect Governor Mutfwang’s commitment to effective governance, transparency, and the overall development of Plateau State. The governor is confident that the appointed individuals will bring their expertise and dedication to their respective roles, contributing to the advancement and prosperity of the state.

Gyang Bere, the Director of Press and Public Affairs to the Executive Governor of Plateau State, released the statement on July 10, 2023. These appointments and the committee formation mark an important step toward achieving Governor Mutfwang’s vision for the state’s growth and progress.



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