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HomeNewsLalong directs MDAs to cooperate with transition committee

Lalong directs MDAs to cooperate with transition committee

The Governor of Plateau State Simon Lalong has directed Ministries Department and Agencies (MDAs) and relevant government parastatals to give the transition committee the necessary support to ensure a smooth handing over from the Rescue Administration to the incoming government on May 29, 2023.

Lalong disclosed this on Monday during the inauguration of the transition committee headed by the Secretary to the Government of the State, Prof Danladi Atu, held at Government House Rayfield, Jos.

“This Central Planning Committee whose membership is drawn from the outgoing Rescue Administration is expected to be joined by members to be nominated from the incoming Government to work out details of programmes for the Handing and Taking Over of the affairs of the state in an orderly, smooth and coordinated manner. You have been carefully chosen because of your experience, capacity and record of achievements over the years.

“The Committee is expected to work painstakingly, cooperatively and in one accord for the success of the transition programme. As always, the work of the Committee should result in the staging of a transition programme that will be one of the best in the country. This will in effect give the incoming Government an opportunity to start on the right footing and with fewer challenges. The SGS is further directed to liaise with the Governor elect to nominate members from his side to join the committee to carry out the assignment.

“I have therefore directed the Secretary to the Government of the State to ensure that all MDAs give total support to the Committee in ensuring that it carries out the task before it. Similarly, I urge the Committee members to work together without allowing personal or political sentiments to becloud their sense of judgment and contributions during the exercise.

“We should all realise that the elections are over and the business of governance is about to end for the Rescue Administration and to commence for the incoming government.”

Lalong said there was no needed to overheating the polity with unnecessary political statement, unsubstantiated speculations, insinuations and rhetoric that appear to cast aspersions on the Government, civil servants and other appointees.

He reiterated the commitment of his administration to give account of his stewardship to Plateau people who entrusted his with their mandate.

“Already, all MDAs under the leadership of the SGS are putting together their reports which will be part of the handing over notes to be transmitted to the incoming administration.

“May I also use this opportunity to remind all civil servants and appointees that we have up till the 29th of May 2023 to complete our mandate as stipulated by our constitution. As such, we shall not tolerate any act of sabotage, disregard to directives and flagrant violation of government guidelines and regulations. Anyone found to be involved in such acts will not be spared and should blame himself for whatever consequences that might follow.”

He appealed to Plateau citizens, particularly politicians to refrain from making bogus claims that are misleading and capable of creating tension in the state.




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