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HomeNewsJang congratulates Plateau governor-elect, Caleb Mutfwang

Jang congratulates Plateau governor-elect, Caleb Mutfwang

The former Governor of Plateau State Senator Jonah David Jang joins millions of Plateau people to congratulate the Governor-Elect, Barr. Caleb Mutfwang for emerging victorious March 18th governorship election.

This was made known in a statement issued by the Media Consultant to Sen. Jonah David Jang Clinton Garuba on Wednesday.

According to the statement “the attention that the 2023 election received shows that more people are now politically aware and have decided to take their destinies into their hands, especially in choosing those who govern them.

“We must confess that Plateau is endowed with people of character, capacity, will, and strength to further the cause of the state. This keenly contested election had an array of some of Plateau’s finest crop of politicians and now that the people have decided in favour of the PDP, we rejoice with the winner.

“Former Governor Jang is aware that others who participated in the election along with their supporters have mixed feelings but as he has always maintained, Plateau first over personal and provincial pursuits. The wild jubilation which accompanied the announcement of the result of the gubernatorial elections is instructive. Plateau people have had to experience untold hardship to come to terms with the fact of the need for a change to return home to the PDP which has had a tremendous impact on the lives of the people in the past.

“He admonishes the winner and incoming Governor to embrace everyone and bear in mind that he will now be responsible, for the wellbeing of not only his party members and supporters across party divides but for everyone who is on the Plateau.

A lot of sacrifices were made by the Plateau people to give him the mandate to govern over them, some even paid the supreme price with their lives. All these sacrifices were borne out of the passion to see a new Plateau, the incoming governor therefore, cannot afford to fail his people – the Plateau people. As part of his campaign promises, he pledged to carry everyone along irrespective of tribe, religious affiliation, political inclination or other kinds of leanings. The time to prove to the world that he meant every word is now – be magnanimous in victory and be the leader everyone will love to have.

“This mandate is a call to service; a call to take Plateau to higher heights and return the state to the pride of place it once occupied in the nation. This task is onerous but Senator Jang believes that with the support of the people who have placed this burden of leadership Barr. Caleb Mutfwang, the horizon looks bright. He calls on the governor-elect to rise above any primordial sentiments and show leadership qualities of character, trust and capacity, the same which have endeared him to the plateau people. The governor-elect is the man of the moment; all eyes are on him.

“There would be distractions but former Governor Jang urges him to concentrate on working for the good of plateau people to make everyone both in the state and beyond proud. You cannot afford to fail the trust of the people who have given you this mandate, the searchlight is on you, and the dreams of our founding fathers must not be allowed to be extinguished.

“Senator Jang notes with dismay, the attempt by some desperate politician to thwart the will of the people by the crude attempt to rig the elections especially in Jos South and North local government areas where the vigilant youth and women foiled their devilish plans.

“Senator Jang, therefore wish to thank the media on the plateau , the Youth, for their resilience, the entire security agents for their professionalism with special thanks to the Nigeria Police and indeed, the officials of Independent Electoral Commission for their insistence on doing only the right despite the huge pressure that was mounted by the powers that be. Senator Jang salutes your courage.

A new plateau beckons and Barr. Mutfwang is the chief driver of this new move to a greater Plateau; there would be challenges but as he builds bridges of unity, a oneness of purpose and the strong desire to see Plateau State progress, no challenge will stop you.

Senator Dr. Jonah David Jang once more joins Plateau people to rejoice with our Governor-elect and pray that God will endue him with wisdom, knowledge, understanding and the patience to govern justly and with fairness.”



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