Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeNewsBarr. Gyang Zi Condemn Renewed Senseless Killings on the Plateau

Barr. Gyang Zi Condemn Renewed Senseless Killings on the Plateau

The Plateau North Senatorial Candidate of the Labour Party (LP) in the just concluded 2023 General Elections, Barrister GYANG ZI has condemned the senseless and brutal killing of innocent and unarmed citizens of Plateau at; Rawuru Fan, Tapo Heipang, Wereng, Kwi, Farin Lamba communities are all in the Northern Senatorial district of the State.

Barrister GYANG ZI was deeply saddened by the fact that these mindless and insensitive attacks on Plateau communities continue unabated with innocent citizens left at the mercy of what he described as evil and mindless criminals who carry out such ungodly acts unabetted.

According to Barrister GYANG ZI, such wickedness without any form of provocation can only be carried out by people who have no conscience and fear of God.

“This is indeed not only condemnable but, characteristically from people who are ungodly and inhuman”

He said such acts which have persisted over time and have defied genuine peace-building efforts and sacrifice on the path of the indigenous people of Plateau State capable of eroding citizens’ confidence in those entrusted to protect their lives and properties.

He maintained, however, that citizens may have no option but to seek for self-help to protect their families and land from those obvious land grabbers.

“Plateau people have long endured these series of attacks and enough is enough he queried.

According to him, those who are responsible for the protection of lives must rise up to the occasion and restore the confidence of the people or be called to question.

“The killings of my people is one too many and is either the activities of those criminals are nipped in the bud or people question the presence of the security agencies whose taxpayers money is hugely expended on them”

He offered prayers for the repose of the souls of all the departed souls and encourage the people to put their absolute trust in Almighty God.



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